20 September 2020

Morning Walk Vignettes - What are your plans for today.

Morning Walk Vignettes - What are your plans for today.
Due to our morning walk, we are the first to go out of the building. I Have kept a rejected vest, which I was using to clean the car on the grill of iron gate.(photo)

I use this as a glove to undo latches and open / close the gate. This way I avoid skin contact with surfaces touched by many people. In these times, one can never be too careful.
 This morning as I was reaching out for the vest, I noticed an insect near it.
 Closer look left me totally amazed. What I saw was a very very small, 4- 5 mm  Long and 3-4 mm tall., live and fully working miniature model of a Praying Mantis. It was almost translucent white.
What I Thought was an insect.

Front view
Marvel of nature. A Living working miniature model - Praying Mantis. 

side view
Marvel of nature. A Living working miniature model - Praying Mantis. 

Best shot before it vanished.

 Other than why they are called Praying Mantis ( a closer look at its folded hands tells us why) I do not know anything about Praying Mantis. I do not know if this is an altogether pigmy breed. Or is it a baby mantis. Do the Mantis give birth to babies or babies are hatched from eggs. 
My ignorance is colossal,
Today I plan to do google search and get on to wikipedia to learn something about Praying Mantis.
So, What are your plans for today.

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