23 December 2020

Footpath - how it is used in Nagpur/other cities.

 Dictionary meaning of footpath is "a path for pedestrians in a built-up area; a pavement."
Unfortunately, it is very common to see footpaths being routinely used as a showroom by shopkeepers to display their goods. Enterprising people selling street food also use it as restaurants. 
 All these activities are possible only because of the serious flaw of "Chalta hai" attitude in the majority of Indians. Particularly the concerned authorities. 
Every once in a while they wake up from their slumber. Accompanied by police all such unauthorised transgressions are removed. Only to return after some time. The cycle to be repeated ad nauseam.
In a first of its kind saw a business entity claiming public footpath as its own parking area.

Just don't know whether 
To get angry at their blatant disregard for rules 
 Admire them for original thinking.
 You all tell me :-)

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