After ascending the ascending spiral staircase / ramp we reach Cortile della Pinga or The Pine cone Courtyard , so called because of the large bronze pine cone fountain positioned in the niche of the half dome structure. The pine cone is 4 meters high flanked by statues of a pair of peacocks. I have not been able to find dimensions of the courtyard but it is big and divided in four grassed squares by paved paths .The center of the courtyard and the crossing of paved paths holds a Bronze Sculpture by Arnoldo Pomodoro.It consists of two concentric spheres. The outer sphere is supposed to represent the Earth and the inner sphere Christianity .The sculpture is appropriately calle "Sfera con Sfera" or "Sphere within Sphere."
Outer sphere is 400 cm.The spheres rotate independently of each other . Good description based on research . The Sphere and The bronze Pine cone would have looked great at close range, but here is the sad truth : our Italian guide seemed to be in tearing hurry and was rushing through the pine cone courtyard , the tour manager was chasing from behind .Now I know exactly how the cattle being herded feel when they are denied to eat at leisure and are pushed ahead :-) Between those two, the Italian Guide and the tour Manager, and the fear of being saperated from the group resulted in us just taking some hurried photos . These photos do not do justice to the Pine Cone or the sculpture of Sphere within the Sphere but here they are :
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"Fontana della Pinga" OR "Pine Cone Fountain". |
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Sphere within the Sphere.
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Sphere within the Sphere. Pine cone court yard,Vatican. |
From here go proceed to The Round Room.
Amazing place