My new Morning Walk Route.
My new Morning Walk Route.
For many years Meteorological Department was butt of a joke because more often than not their forecasts about rains etc turned out to be wrong.
In recent years with advances in technology and availability of better forecasting tools, the situation has reversed. Now they are right more often than not 

Meteorological Department has forecast harsh and severe winter this year.
It seems this forecast is going to be right.
Going by minimum temperatures for the last few days, harsh winter seems to have arrived with a bang. These are around 13 - 14 degrees C. I do not remember such low temperatures so early in Nagpur winters.
One fall out has been that Priti has stopped her morning walk and will now shift to evening walk. As I am on my own I have changed my morning walk route to a new extended one. It is about 5 Odd KMs.
Henceforth Morning Walk Vignettes will be based on my experiences along this route.
Showing my route in my google maps.
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