24 October 2020

COVID-19 & Morning walk Vignettes.

 COVID-19 & Morningwalk Vignettes. 
Recently most of my blogs have been titled  COVID-19 OR  Morningwalk Vignettes. 
COVID-19 blogs contained feelings, thoughts and experiences about this dreaded scrouge.
Morning walk Vignettes contained feelings, thoughts and experiences during my morning walk.
What happened today left me no alternative but to call this blog "COVID-19 & Morning walk Vignettes."
This is what happened,
Two ladies in the picture. One is Priti, my better-half and the other, Madhuri, better-half of my friend Dilip. Both of them are also friends. In fact, they have become much closer and better friends than Dilip and I. This normally happens with ladies as they can freely talk about the shortcomings of their husbands . A past time husbands don't indulge in.
In BC** era they used to meet at least 3-4 times a month. Once COVID hit things changed drastically. There was no meeting between them for the last 6 months or so. Contact on mobile was the only consolation. Once I timed their call at 58 minutes
Today during our morning walk all of sudden Priti exclaimed: "Hey there is Madhuri". I also noticed her coming from the opposite side. 
Any other time they would have shaken hands, hugged, each other. This was was covid time. They stopped a yard from each other, initially silently gazing at each other. But even the big mask could not hide their smiles which were ssoooooooo huge that it reached there eyes. Their ecstatic happiness was apparent even to the strangers walking by.
They chatted for a while and then parted.
It is only in such a period as COVID when all are homebound, that an accidental and chance meeting after a long time, between two friends, can cause such great happiness
How we wish COVID to be over as of yesterday. 
But till it is over, wear a mask, observe social distancing and keep washing hands often.

A chance accidental meeting after almost 6 months.

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