आज खूप दिवसांनी, कदाचित वर्षांनीं अबोली च्या जातीची फुल पहिली. लहान पणीच्या आठवणी त्याज्या झाल्या. माझी आई त्या फुलांचा गजरा गुंफायची ते हि सुई दोऱ्या शियाय.
तिच पाहून मी पण शिकलो होतो. गजरा गुंफून लहान बहिणींना देत होतो. त्यांचं आनंद पाहून मला पण बरे वाटायचे.
आता गजरा गुंफणं विसरलो कुणा साठी तरी गुंफायला आवडलं असत पण आता गुंफू शकत नाही

Free Translation.
After many days, possibly after years saw flowers of the Crossandra species.
Childhood memories were revived,
My mother used to weave a garland of these flowers, that too without needle or thread.
Watching her, I too learned. After weaving garlands used to give them to younger sisters. Looking at their joy I also felt good.
Now forgotten how to weave the garland. Would have loved to weave one for someone but can not weave now.

Google Translation
Today, many days later, perhaps years later, the flower of the genus Aboli first appeared. The memories of childhood were gone. My mother used to tie a garland of those flowers. I also learned by watching her. The garland was tied and given to the younger sisters. I was happy to see their happiness.
Now I forgot to tie the alarm. I would have liked to tie the knot for someone, but now I can't tie it.
nice growth papa. Beautiful flowers.