28 July 2020

Go Green. Go Solar.

Our rooftop 7 panel 2.2 kwp Pv capacity Solar Power Plant.

Another view.
Our rooftop 7 panel 2.2 kwp Pv capacity Solar Power Plant.

Jayati and Ajeet, both are ardent fighters for improvement of environment. They hate plastic. It has no place in their house. It is hard to believe but they do follow what they preach about reducing greenhouse effect and reducing damage to environment. If everyone follows their example greenhouse effect and warming of polar cap will reduce to very great extent.
One of the thing they wanted to do was go for solar energy to contribute to greener environment.
In Delhi where they stay in rented accomodation, it is simply not possible for them to install roof top solar plant. If it was possible/ permissible they would have done it long time back.
They convinced Priti and me to do so.
By the time our paperwork for sanction of subsidy came up sanctioned quota for subsidies was over.
Again on their urging we went ahead and installed rooftop solar power plant without subsidy..
We went green on 24 July 2019. On that day our Solar Rooftop Power Plant with 7 solar panels with PV capacity of 2.2 kwp went on line.
On 24 July was first anniversary of our power plant.
Our electricity bill, on an average reduced by almost  Rs1000/- per month. So on the anniversary we have saved almost 12,000/- That is of minor importance.
Our average consumption was about 200 units per month.
What is more important is addition to almost 2400 units of power which we would have consumed we have contributed 1290 units of power to Electicical Grid of MSEB.
And even of greater importance is our contribution in saving of 1277 KGs of Coal and REDUCTION in CO2by an equal amount of 1277 KGs. We also contributed in saving ot equivalent of 176 trees.
This was our small contribution to improve the environment.
Imagine if one piddly little power plant of single phase 2.2 kwp of installed by us can do all that just imagine what will happen if everyone decides to go green.
Our message to all
GO GREEN. Change over to alternate sources of power. Install Rooftop Solar Power Plant.
All the figures quoted above are from SIMTEN app installed with our solar inverter.

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