16 November 2018

Pigeon Man of Singapore.

Continued with my morning walk in Singapore as well. Route followed by me was use Mayer Road underpass to reach East Coast Park. Follow the path up to Park Land Green . Use the underpass to go to Marine Parade follow road east then on to Mountbatten Road to crescent street to Makina. Almost the same distance as my normal walk about 4.5 KM.
Walk along the East Coast Park was refreshing and fantastically rejuvenating. Beautiful scenery and beautiful sunrises if Horizon was clear.
Sunrise. East Coast Park.

It was amazing to see the number of people of all ages from age group of 60/ 70 plus,middle ages to teens, jogging, walking, doing aerobic exercises and work outs generally seen by me in Kung Fu / Karate movies. Even kids 7/8 years are Merrily cycling, along with their parents.
Almost every day lots and lots of pigeons foraging around the beach near Area B of East coast Park.

One day I saw an old man walking along the beach. Pigeons foraging all over the beach started flying around that old man and following him. The way pigeons were following him, reminded me of the story of Pied Piper of Hamelin. He want slightly beyond the jetty and sat on haunches. Opened the plastic bag he was carrying and started scattering some thing around.  
Old man and the pigeons

The pigeons were all over him and the whatever feed he had strewn. Once in a while he was caressing pigeons close to him. The pigeons did not seem to mind him.
One day I approached him. On my approach the pigeons fluttered but did not flyaway but settled down close by. May be they understood that I meant no harm. Spoke to him.  

I saw that what he was feeding was not birdseed of any kind but bread slices. In answers to my enquiry He informed me he wanted to come every day but could only manage it when he had free mornings. Still tried to come as frequently as possible. Had been feeding them for quite some time. Initially the number of pigeons were quite less and only two loafs were sufficient. Gradually the number increased and now even five loaves were barely sufficient. 
Asked his name . He told me. Could no get it so asked him again, he told me . Could not get it and said please say again, he told me yet again. This happened couple of more times. Then I felt too ashamed to ask the same question for the fifth time. Never got his name so I shall simply call him "Pigeon Man of Singapore."
Pigeon Man of Singapore.

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