21 November 2008 functions were unforgettable . The programme for the 22 Nov was visits to HAL heritage centre followed by divisions . In the evening at 1900 hours departure for ASTE Officers Mess for contributory Dinner . However 22 Squadron crowd had their own agenda starting around 1230 to 1300 hours as We had to be at PK Tayal's Place as he and Mamta had called over all the 22 Squadron people for a lunch .
Any way missing out on the heritage centre was also not too palatable so lot of us decided to make the maximum of the opportunity and visit HAL heritage centre till the last moment and then by 1230 or so leave the main group for PKT's place . Leaving the group transportation the Volvo , and go on our own ways was possible only because of the plentiful transport arrangements made by the HAL as Chato and Mike had asked for and were provided with separate cars which made it possible .
We got up bright and early . Had breakfast and were ready by 1100 hours , the appointed time to board the Volvo to proceed to HAL Heritage Centre . The centre is a short distance from HMA . We went first to the Museum . It has aircraft and aero engines on display with which HAL was connected and involved in any way . It also has photo gallery which was very impressive specially in historical value . It records the photo history of HAL from the time the first building was constructed . Hats off to the foresight and interpuneral capability of Seth Hirachand Walchand who had formed aircraft manufacturing company in 1940'S, which was later to become the HAL . An irony and sad part is that the heritage center does NOT have a Gnat / Ajeet on display
Half the time we were also looking at our watches and left the main group at 1230 hours . The skies also opened up then and it started raining as if the weather gods were also feeling sad at our departure !
Mamta and PKT have a very nice and sprawling bunglow . The full 22 crowd soon gathered . It was then a good long drinking and yak-yak session .We had a wonderful time . The food was good . For a change I also had food and did not live on liquid nurishment alone
Mamta and Pradeep were very good hosts and a very happy and contented bunch left their house around 1500 hours or so . Most unfortunately I had forgotten to take my camera , SU was the fastest to send the photos . Unfortunately there was some F***up as the quality was not good . PKT was also fast in sending the photos . Photos sent by him are produced below . Titling etc my effort 
Any way missing out on the heritage centre was also not too palatable so lot of us decided to make the maximum of the opportunity and visit HAL heritage centre till the last moment and then by 1230 or so leave the main group for PKT's place . Leaving the group transportation the Volvo , and go on our own ways was possible only because of the plentiful transport arrangements made by the HAL as Chato and Mike had asked for and were provided with separate cars which made it possible .
We got up bright and early . Had breakfast and were ready by 1100 hours , the appointed time to board the Volvo to proceed to HAL Heritage Centre . The centre is a short distance from HMA . We went first to the Museum . It has aircraft and aero engines on display with which HAL was connected and involved in any way . It also has photo gallery which was very impressive specially in historical value . It records the photo history of HAL from the time the first building was constructed . Hats off to the foresight and interpuneral capability of Seth Hirachand Walchand who had formed aircraft manufacturing company in 1940'S, which was later to become the HAL . An irony and sad part is that the heritage center does NOT have a Gnat / Ajeet on display
Half the time we were also looking at our watches and left the main group at 1230 hours . The skies also opened up then and it started raining as if the weather gods were also feeling sad at our departure !
Mamta and PKT have a very nice and sprawling bunglow . The full 22 crowd soon gathered . It was then a good long drinking and yak-yak session .We had a wonderful time . The food was good . For a change I also had food and did not live on liquid nurishment alone

Mike Wilson , Steve Datta, Don Lazarus , MM Baliga , AK Brahmwar , PK Tayal , GSN Prasad
Front row ,
Ajit Lamba , DJS Kler , Adi Ghandhi , PM Velankar , AV Bhagwat , V Pashupathi , AK Shyam
Kneeling in front ,
Chris Chatterjee , Sunith Soares .

Don Lazarus , MM Baliga , AK Brahmwar , Chrish Chatterjee "Chato ", PM Velankar"Velu" , PK Tayal "PKT" ,
two in the middle
Sunith Soares "SU" , GSN Prasad ,
front row
AK Shyam "Babu Moshai" , Steve Datta , AV Bhagwat"Bhaggu" , V Pashupathi "Pash" & DJS Kler

Mrs AK Shyam , Mrs Sandhya Bhagwat , Mrs Don Lazaras , Mrs Mamata Tayal , Mrs Neena Baliga , Mrs Matti Ghandhi , Mrs Sudha Patwardhan .
sitting in front
Mrs Suchi Kler , Mrs Guddi Lamba , Mrs Neeta Brahmwar .
Evening 1900 hours found us once again in the now familiar Volvo to set course for ASTE Officers Mess.
The Volvo passangers were the first to arrive and received by the AOC . Before we could go to the lawns , he requested us to autograph a blow up photo of Gnat in flight . Being the first to do the honours we singed our names ensuring that none had signed on the Gnat photo itself , Chato did that and was the first to sign on the nose of the aiecraft .

Lot of people will know lot of marks!
After this we all proceeded to the lawns where the party was organised . Two airmen were detailed to collect the contribution which was fixed at Rs 400/- per head .
The party was a grand success . Group photo session which was missing at Ghatge Convention Center was very much in evidence here .
Awating eagerly to get hold of the same . People told anacdotes , jokes and stories . The shortest and one of the best was by Benjee . It went , "hum peeten hein whisky , hum peeten hein whisky ; kabhi iss ki kabhi uski ". Don told about the PAF pilot he had shot down , and who went on to become Chief Of PAF . and how he wrote to him and got a reply
There were many many more good ones and we stayed till well past mid - night . On the way back , Chato again regaled every one with his limmeriks . At HMA bid every one good night and went to bed .
Most sad that I do not have any photos of the evening function .
Even though contented and happy , sleep would not come for a long long time . Events of the last 48 hours were going past the mental screen as if a 70 mm DVD video was on , with replay button pressed . Old friends all showing their age , some of them so changed that they had to introduce themselves . As was the case with me as lot of old friends did not recognise me due to the changes wrought about by age
But there was no problem and difficulty in recognising the pride each and every one had felt to be a part of the " Gnat Brotherhood " and having participited in the " Gnat 50 Years celebration " over the last two days . Not one of them is ever likey to forget those priceless , nostelgic , happy and memorable two days .
Next morning caught the train for Nagpur and it was back to " Ops Normal " as usual .
Velu .
The party was a grand success . Group photo session which was missing at Ghatge Convention Center was very much in evidence here .

Most sad that I do not have any photos of the evening function .
Even though contented and happy , sleep would not come for a long long time . Events of the last 48 hours were going past the mental screen as if a 70 mm DVD video was on , with replay button pressed . Old friends all showing their age , some of them so changed that they had to introduce themselves . As was the case with me as lot of old friends did not recognise me due to the changes wrought about by age
But there was no problem and difficulty in recognising the pride each and every one had felt to be a part of the " Gnat Brotherhood " and having participited in the " Gnat 50 Years celebration " over the last two days . Not one of them is ever likey to forget those priceless , nostelgic , happy and memorable two days .
Next morning caught the train for Nagpur and it was back to " Ops Normal " as usual .
Velu .
beau blog sir...
ReplyDeletepls see mine too..
Thanks sir, for the account. About time someone wrote it all down. Hopefully we will have the video as well soon
ReplyDeleteYou are right on the dot about the obvious gap in HAL Heritage Center collection of aircraft. They could very well move the Ajeet in front of their Office at Cubbon park and move it to the museum.