Even though I had slept only for few hours I got up refreshed, On the breakfast table met Pashupathi & Bhuwana , friends from 22 squadron days of early seventies !! They had come all the way from Thailand .We were meeting after almost 19 to 20 years and were trying to catch up with all the news . There were some others but I did not know them . I was a bit surprised , in my vanity , I had thought that after so many years on the Gnats I knew every one who had any thing to do with Gnats . How wrong I was . The Gnat world was / is pretty big !!
Breakfast spread was impressive . There was Idli Sambar , Dosa Chatny , bread butter and eggs , Tea coffee and fruit juices . We finished the breakfast and went in the lobby . Volvo coach was to leave for Ghatge Convention Hall at 0830 hrs . By now others had also gathered . I think there were about 10 to 15 officers staying at HAL Management Academy and we all used to travel collectively for all the programmes in the Volvo . It was a/c coach and very comfortable . It was good arrangement . We reached the Convention Hall well in time . Much before the programme was to start . Programme for "Gnat Vigenettes" is given below . Hopefully if you concentrate you may be able to read it :-)
On arrival , We were presented with a laptop carry bag , a documentary film CD titled " The Gnat Brotherhood " produced by Dipti Bhalla & Kunal Verma , a CD on HAL , a coffee table book by Pushpinder Singh titled " Sabre Slayers " , a note pad and a pen along with clip on name tag by the Reception Committee . It was a good memento of the occasion
BY 1000 hours all the participants had gathered . Knew lot of people . Had heard of lot of people and had neither heard nor met some people . Meeting some people after a long long time , in some cases stretching to 10 to 15 years plus gap
"Gnat - Brotherhood-2006" , Pune .

you wont be able to spot me but Priti , ( as you see the photo) is
sitting on the extreme right !
There were many many more Gnat Lovers who had come from all over the Globe and India . From Mumbai , Kolkota , Chennai , Delhi , your's truly from nagpur , And of course all the Bangaluruians !! Rakesh Sharma , the one and only Indian Astronaut , literally one man in a billion , was there . In fact we are all waiting for the directory written about by Kapil Sir , of all those who attended . It will be a very valuable and keepsake document as it will be a one source document of who and where-about of all the Gnat crowd . Spotted Ajit Lamba , my Squadron Commander in discussion with some one .He is some one for whom I have tremendous respect & all the time in the world . A very good officer , a thorough professional a very good CO. Though we never said "lamba is god and God is lamba" , because it does not rhyme as well as "greene is god and god is greene", the sentiments were similar . Of course the fact that he never recommended my name for QFI course as I was not exceptional , still rankles some times . Made a bee line for him . Wished him , even though he was in discussion with some one . Realised that they were discussing some thing serious , may be the late / non arrival of the CAS and how the programme to be altered , So did a hard turn and got lost in the crowd . Here however the "Squadron Spirit " forces me to state that of all the eight Gnat Squadrons, 2 , 9 , 15 , 18 , 21, 22 , 23 , 24 , the representation from 22 Squadron was maximum . Adi Gandhi , AS Lamba , GSN Prasad , Don Lazarus , Sunith Soares , AV Bhagwat , MM Baliga , AK Brahmwar , AK Shyam , V Pashupathi , PK Tayal , Stave Datta , Chattarjee , DJS Kler , Mike Wilson , Velu Sudha . Except for two , every one who was there in 1971 war a total of SIXTEEN from one squadron were there
The start of the function was not all that encouraging as initial information was that the aircraft of the CAS was delayed and so there will be some delay in commencement of the function . This was followed by the info that due to some unavoidable reason , Chief Of the Air Staff could not make it and VCAS would be representing the CAS . This entailed some changes in the programme and high tea was preponed . After a scrumchus high tea we all settled down in the hall for the programme to begin.
The programme commenced with the inaugural ceremony and addresses by Director ( Personnel ) HAL , Chairman HAL and The VCAS . There after the programme comprised reminiscences by the guest speakers , inter spread with film snippets . Ajit Lamba was the compère / MC / conductor of the programme . The way he conducted it was really good and for the first time I realised that he also had good sense of humour as each speaker was introduced well and with a Joke !!! The speakers were AM CS Naik , AM MSD Wollen , AM PK Dey , AM D Keelor , AM P Rajkumar , Gp Capt D Lazarus , Wg Cdr Soares .and MR Jayamohan .Conclusion was by Air Chief marshal SP Tyagi (retd) . All spoke wonderfully well . I particularly liked speeches /reminiscences by
AM CS Naik , AM MSD Wollen , They spoke of the times and working at Chilbolton and at A & ATU at Kanpur , all those years back . They spoke of Saranjan Das and Sudhakaran and all those who made the Gnat what it was to become . They told us of how the world aviation faternety was stunned and impressed by the Gnat air display given by Saranjan Das at Farnborough Air Show . How no one could ever replicate the "Saranjan Das Roll " the way he used to do it in a Gnat . They told us how on 26 January 1958 the vast maltitude on Rajpath in New Delhi were astounded and amazed and left speechless by a silverstreak as it went thundring past at low level and then go off vertically , to vanish in the sky . It was the FIRST EVER 26 January Fly Past by a Gnat being flown by Sudhakaran . For his initiative Sudhakaran was given a warning by Arjan Singh for coming too low . AM PK Dey (whose only regret is that he could not fly Gnat in Farnborough Air Show ), Air Chief marshal SP Tyagi (retd) and Mr Jayamohan who was the only civilian speaker and spoke lovingly about the fabulous frame 18 and aluminium forging of the Gnat !! All spoke with emotion , passion , love for the Gnat and so eloquently that it touched the heart and brought a lump in the throat !!! It was total " NOSTALGIA " All in CAPITALS
Lunch was as good as all the other arrangements . A very good spread . Left for HAL Academy happy , contented and full of nostalgia .
The Volvo was ready and we left for the Le Merridian at appointed hour . It took more then one hour and forty-five minutes for us to reach the venue from the HAL Management Academy . This inspite of the fact that the driver had taken longer and supposedly less congested traffic route . Apparently the traffic in Bangaluru is becoming unbearable
A tremendous time was had by one and all . It was the perfect round off for a very good , very memorable and most nostalgic day . 21 November 2008 will live long in the memories of those who attended these celeberations !!!!
Next instalment to cover happenings on the 22 November .
Velu .
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