26 May 2018


Plants are dead. Dirty & Dusty,Desolate divider.

Plants are dead. Dirty & Dusty,Desolate divider.

After BJP govt came to power and Nagpur was selected to be made a smart city large scale mega infrastructure projects were launched.
Concretisng almost all the roads was one such mega infrastructure project. The dividers on quite a few roads were sufficiently wide to be planted with saplings. 
Full marks to those involved, for including planting of saplings on these concreted road dividers  and maintenance of the same for few months in the tender documents / contract.
As concreting work of a section was completed including planting of six rows of saplings, it presented a beautiful picture and made one proud to be a Nagpurian.  
Sadly, once the contracted period of plant maintenance was over and watering of plants was stopped, gradually the plants all died. The dividers now look dusty,dirty and desolate. 
Non application of mind : No thought was given to type of saplings to be planted.
Application of mind and little use of commonsense would have dictated selection of hardy , tenacious and hard to kill plants with least amount of watering and maintenance. Chafa and bougainvillea are just two examples. These plants would have survived after maintenance during contracted period was over.

Non application of mind : No thought was given and No plans were made to keep watering and maintaining these plants on which lot of public money was spent.

A standard tam plate be made for tendering contracts of mega projects which MUST include lessons learnt from each such project / event.

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