07 October 2014

Letter to Editor .

I am an incorrigible fellow . Editors are not interested in publishing my writing , still I persist. Here is my latest offering..
Sir ,
It has been five days since the PM announced Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan.
No one expects miracles or magic of the type that one waves a wand and heaps of garbage from every where just disappear . Still it is disappointing to see no reaction or improvement whatsoever in work culture of the civic authorities responsible for solid and liquid waste management and garbage removal . In fact garbage collection truck did not visit our locality from 01 Oct onwords till today , ie for 6 days !!
The route I follow for my morning walk is along Mangalmurti Chowk on Jayatala road to Sitala Mata Mandir ,left on to Hingna road up to ring road "T" junction and left on to Mangalmurti Chowk on Jayatala road . It completes my morning walk loop.It is matter of shame that in this loop of just about 4 KMs there are any number of places converted to garbage dumps . I am regrettably but ,100 % sure that situation in rest of the Nagpur is no better .NMC clears some of them once in blue moon. When ever I have seen a person dumping household garbage , I have challenged them . Some give sheepish grin , some just show no reaction and there are some fellows who have the gumption to tell me to mind my on business. No matter how many Abhiyans are launched by the PM , no matter how efficiently our civic bodies work , unless and until every individual understands his civic responsibilities ,he himself is motivated to maintain cleanliness all around , Swaccha Bharat will remain a distant dream .
It is unfortunate but a reality , and I am ashamed to admit it , that most of the Indians do not respond to requests to improve themselves or willingly follow rules . What they really respond to is a "danda " on the backside . I am not against individual freedom . However if that freedom is used where it adversely affects the well being of majority of the population it is the duty of the Government to curb such freedom. I tried to find any law which provides imposition of collective fines for indiscriminate garbage disposal in public domain on the residents of the locality where such garbage dumps spring up . There is a site http://www.indiankanoon.org/search/… giving whole heaps of laws . I do not know if any one of them is against dumping of garbage . I earnestly request the lawmakers to enact such a law at the earliest and civic authorities to impose it most vigorously . Enforce the people to pay collective fines of an amount which will act as deterrent . Coughing up just a couple of such hefty fines and I am confident that Swaccha Bharat can become a reality .
Jai Hind .
PM Velankar.

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