25 September 2014

My letter to Hitavada on Stray Dog Menace .

The Editor / s,
Sir I started writing about the nuisance of stray dogs for publication in Citymail . 
However I felt I had to bring out the dangers and health hazards in details . Obviously it was not possible to stick to the normal length of city mail letter.
I feel even if it is too long ,  by publishing it you will be raising the awareness  of this menace and render a great public service.

PM Velankar . 

Stray Dog Menace .

All those who go for morning walk or use Nagpur roads / streets / side streets   will know what I am talking about. Every year , around this time people take up this matter with NMC directly or through public flora  . Every year NMC puts out very tall claims in controlling / reducing  stray dog menace. To prove their point very large numbers of dogs having been  neutered are quoted . Official web site of ASPCA has this to say about neutering . " While the traditional age for neutering is six to nine months, puppies as young as eight weeks old can be neutered as long as they’re healthy. Dogs can be neutered as adults as well, although there’s a slightly higher risk of post-operative complications in older dogs who are overweight. " . As all the vets would be aware of the limitations of age of dog it is very very difficult to believe the neutering figures put forward by NMC .However year by year increasing  number of stray dogs and puppies being born to stray dogs give lie to NMC claims . 
Killing stray dogs is not resorted to due to protests by pseudo intellectuals who also protest about killing of terrorists , dog lovers , Organisations like People for Ethical Treatment of Animals ( PETA ) , Society For Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ( SPCA ) and various well meaning as well as self serving NGOs.  

How the stray dogs are big nuisance , dangerous and health hazard ,

(1). Dog Poops all over.
Web site http://www.wikihow.com/Category:Dog-Grooming has this to say about dog poop. " Unsightly, smelly, a breeding medium for germs and disease, and a huge hassle on the sole of a shoe, dog poop is not a desirable feature in any neighborhood. Dog feces plays a significant role in water pollution, especially in cities, and the bacteria that makes its way into streams, lakes and the water table can make people sick. Indeed, a single gram of dog feces can contain 23 million fecal coliform bacteria that can cause cramps, diarrhea, intestinal disorders and kidney problems. In 1991, the EPA even designated dog poop as a "nonpoint source of pollution" putting it right up there with oil and toxic chemicals. "
 Early morning walkers , when it is still dark  , thanks to the state of street lights maintained by the sams NMC,  have often regretted inability to spot such dog poops.  Morning walkers who go out  when the light condition has improved have to hop around these . I agree that this hopping around adds to the exercise value of the walk but one mistake leaves you with feeling of revulsion and   disgust .Dog owners who take their pets for a walk will do great service to the society if example of Singapore & Western countries is followed of cleaning up after the pet .

(2) Urine Marking of territory . 
Stray dogs urinating all over is a common disgusting sight and a health hazard and nuisance . My car tyres have bore the brunt of being territory of large number of dogs. Of course large number of people also urinate all over but they are not marking territory .

(3) Chasing of intruder stray dogs from other localities and territory .
Mindless , furious and extremely fast chase by a pack of 10 to 15 dogs being given to any intruding dog  from other localities is a very common sight . The chasing pack in bent only on one thing and that is to catch the intruder before it leaves their territory . They are extremely dangerous to two wheeler traffic as they may confront a rider without any warning and leave no reaction time causing life threatening accident.. I have been witness to an accident where a senior citizen was knocked down by such a dog pack and suffered a  fracture injury. If the unfortunate dog is caught by the pack it is mercilessly and mindlessly attacked by the whole pack . If such a dog fight happens next to any one ,   one may suffer from serious dog bite. 

(4) Chasing Vehicles.
Some dogs for no reason whatsoever will suddenly start barking and chase a two wheeler or even a car . If the rider is taken by surprise and panics it may lead to serious accident..

(5) Night long barking . 
People have lost any number of sleep due to prolonged barking by the dogs . This may adversely affect their health .

(6) Diseased animals.
One often sees lots of stray dogs suffering from serious diseases , Fron puss running ulcers & sores to scruffy skin diseases , deformed legs , paralytic front or rear legs ets . Some may even turn rabid . All these are serious and dangerous source of infections & spread of sickness of serious nature . 

NMC has been totally ineffective in providing protection to the citizens of Nagpur from the danger and prevention of  Physical and health hazards in failing to  control the stray dog menace . Much tom tommed about Neutering programme  of NMC has been abysmal failure . 

NMC now must resort to KILLING these stray dogs by whatever means available at its disposal .

I fully realise that pseudo intellectuals , dogg lovers , do gooders  from People for Ethical Treatment of Animals ( PETA ) , Society For Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ( SPCA ) and various well meaning as well as self serving NGOs. will be up in arms against me for suggesting KILLING ,  I could have used "putting to sleep " instead of the word " Killing " a word which I have used deliberately to provoke public debate on this very important issue . Very large number of people will raise a hue & cry about killing of dogs , the very same people enjoy variety of poultry , meat , fish , and depending on religious beliefs Beef and Pork. The very same creatures WERE KILLED before they landed up as tasty dishes on their dining tables . So what are the grounds for opposing killing of stray dogs which are dangerous and pose serious health hazard . If all the  pseudo intellectuals , dogg lovers , do gooders  from People for Ethical Treatment of Animals ( PETA ) , Society For Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ( SPCA ) and various well meaning as well as self serving NGOs.do not permit killing they should ensure that Nagpur roads and streets are free from stray dogs . 
I am scared of our courts and never ending legal procedures hance can not build up courage to file a PIL on the subject.  I earnestly wish that those members of public / NGOs who are used to the workilgs of the courts file a PIL 

Best would be and that is my fervent wish , is  for the Honourable Courts to take Suo moto notice of this letter and and treat it as a PIL .

PM Velankar . 

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