" Moily slams Roy ,Gillani............. , BJP demands hanging of Roy,Geelani"
Hurriyat leader Mr Geelani and others of his elk have been spewing venom against the Union Of India , instigating violence and committing overt and covert deeds amounting to treason for ages . In fact it is no secret that the fomenting of unrest and violence in Kashmir valley since June 2010 in which more than 110 innocent and not so innocent persons lost their lives was the handiwork of leaders such as Geelani. It was a matter of great surprise, worry, concern and shame that all these years political leaders whether they were from the ruling party or in the opposition did not utter a single word or initiate concrete action against these deshdhrohees .
From the headlines in The Hitvada dated 27 October 2010 it appears that at least some of these worthy leaders have woken up from their slumber . That is not enough ! Government of India must ensure that necessary follow-up action like charging these persons for crimes against the Nation under relevant laws is done post haste, they are tried by fast track special courts . They need to be dealt with most severely and an example made for all the enemy's of the Nation .
Yours Sincerely,
PM Velankar , Nagpur .
Here is a cut and paste job of the letter I had written on 03 August2010,which did not find favour and so was not printed, This , for your information,
Kashmir Burning.:- (

Kashmir has always been in the news for the violent agitations being sponsored by self-serving and corrupt politicians. This has been particularly true for the last fortnight or so due to almost mutinous situation prevailing there which has been the cause of gravest concern to every citizen of India .
There are certain aspects of the situation which I do not understand and certain basic doubts which I would very much like to share with the enlightened readers of The Hitavada.
Modus-operandi of the agitators has been following a set pattern of such heavy stone pelting that security forces are forced to retaliate which unfortunately causes death of some trouble seeking / agitating teenager .Mind you it is always a teenager in the age group of 17 to 19 or so to die , never younger or elder . Can any one explain why is it so ? Why the leaders fomenting such agitations are never ever the one to get killed ?
Every death be it due to bullet injury , drowning , under suspicious circumstances or even missing person is blamed on the security forces and and this is being used to organise even bigger and more violent agitation .Even when this modus-operandi is well established and well known to the whole of India and the National leadership how is it that even with all the resources and every mean available to them the political leadership has not been able to break this viscous chain of violence.
Another doubt .
Speeches likely to raise communal violence , likely to hurt the sentiments of certain communities are offences in our laws . I believe treason is also an offence under these laws . Politicians in Kashmir have for the last many years openly giving speeches which have been refusing the sovereignty of Indian nation , refusing to accept that Kashmir is an integral part of India , advocating separation from Indian state . So much so that this motley crowd of such politicians are being called "the separatist" . Even the National leadership has been guilty of calling them "the separatist" What I do not understand is , that rather then giving them this dubious legitimacy by recognizing them as such , why they are not being charged and tried for the offence of treason . Every one knows they are grave threat to the nation . The people perceived to cause such a threat were deported to Kalapani , Andaman Islands by the Britishers . Why such people are not being sent to kalapani and kept incommunicado where they can not foment further trouble is beyond my understanding . Even the trials for treason for such people must be followed vigorously and taken to their logical conclusion .
For various reasons Presidents rule is imposed in the states . Opposition parties agitate for imposition of Presidents rule in the states being governed by the ruling party for any major or minor problem . Ruling parties impose Presidents rule in states being run by opposition parties .I am wondering that even when Kashmir is literally burning and the Government in power totally powerless to restore law and order why neither the central government nor the opposition has spoken of imposing Presidents rule in Kashmir , unless of course it can not be done due to Article 370 ?
yours sincerly
PM Velankar