10 August 2010

Letter to Editor .

E-mailed another letter on 10 Aug 10.
Sir .
In a recent interview our Foreign Secretary has said. "intelligently transacted dialogue enables both the interlocutors to palce their issues which leads to greater responsiveness and sensitivity to the issue ." And again , "That is exactly the context I referred to when I spoke of the complexity in the relationship. And that is what dialogue , intelligently transacted dialogue,enables you to do when you seek more responsiveness from the other side about your concerns,this is exactly so that we are able to place these issues in context and to seek other side's focus on this issue and greater responsiveness and sensitivity to these issues" . There was lot more in similar vein .
I consider myself sufficiently educated person , able to read write and understand English language , However from what our learned Foreign Secretary has said , I could make out that she has used some bombastic and big words , strung them togatehr in sentences of complex construction , but what they actually mean or what is meant to be conveyed , I have no clue at all !!!
Calling a "spade " a "spade " though absolutely desirable, may not necessarily be advisable in diplomatic dialogues but let us at least speak in a language which conveys what we want to convey !!
No wonder India's standing is going down the drain in International community .

PM Velankar, Nagpur.

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