9 DAY NINE - 16 May 2015. XIAN - SIGHT SEEING.
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To see the complete album of photos on day nine,click here.
After two days stay at Bejing and having fnished enjoying the beauty,spendour and soaked in the Culture and history of the tourist sites which Kesari choose to show us, it was time to move on the nexy stage of tour.It was to xian .
As usual it was early wakeup call,breakfast.While waiting for the coach,had a look at the news papers.PM Narendra Moid's China vist was spread all over the front page of all news papers.Due to this visit,all tourist sopts in Beijing were closed to the visitors,no wonder Balding Great Wall was over over crowded.
This is Hall of Heavenly Prayers,Beijing.We had visited this place on 14 May .that day praticipent had come for rehearsals. After that due PM Modi's was in Beijing for two days . |
For those two days tourist sites in Beijing were banned for tourists. That was why Balding Great wall of China was OVER crowded. |
Glance at the newspapers . Bit of photo op and on to the coach for Domestic Terminal of Beijing International Airport.Either our giude had made us alight from the coach,in which corner,God knows because after check-in,to get to the boarding gate we had to walk and walk and walk or Beijing airport is really really HUGE . However after spending time in Shanghai , which was just a village only 20 years back, our last stop in China , I realised Beijing Airport was in reality spread over vast area.One then realises,that for good or bad,when the Government does not brook any impendiments in excecution of its plans,What a Nation can achieve.
Lion Statue . Alsmost all the establishments have a pair of Lion Statues on either side of entrance door for good luck.
Our coach from our hotel to Beijing Airport.
Arrived Beijing International Airport.
Domestic Terminal,Beijing Airport.
Long "Qs"at check in counters.
Long-Long distances to cover to reach boarding gate.Moving footpaths for public convenience.
Waiting to to board the flight.
On board China Eastern Air Lines,Airbus330, flight number
MU 2102 to Xian.
After a flight of about 1hour and 20 odd minutes we landed at International Airport of city of Xian.The Airport,just for a provincial capital,was too vast,modern and quite grand.
Xian International Airport.
Baggage collection, Xian Airport.
Waiting for the local Guide and the coach.
Guide and Coach arrives . Luggage being loaded.
Before we go any further a word about the city itself.
We thought that Terracotta Army site was the begining and end of Xian.While googling for Xian,realised that there was much much more to it than the Terracotta Army.
Xian is one of the oldest cities of China.It is said that its history goes back 3000 years.It was the very first of the four ancient and great capitals of China.
Emperor Qin Shihuang,who was the first emperor who united and ruled whole of China and made Xian his capital in 221BC. He also left the world one of the most extraordinary archeological finds in history - the Terracotta Warriors.
There after, for 1100 years Xian was ruling capital for emperors of 13 dynasties to rule over China.The city reached its peak in the Tang dynasty, boasting 2 million taxable inhabitants and the largest, most cosmopolitan, settlement in the world during the reign of Xuanzong (712 AD – 756 AD).
It is because of this rich historical background that Xian The city has many important historical sites, and some ongoing archaeological projects, such as the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and his Terracotta Army. There are several burial mounds, tombs of the Zhou dynasty kings located in the city.Xi'an also contains some 800 royal mausoleums and tombs from the Han dynasty,with some of them yielding hundreds of sculpted clay soldiers, and remains of sacrificial temples from the Han era.The city has numerous Tang dynasty pagodas and is noted for its history museum and its stele forest, which is housed in an 11th-century Confucian temple containing large stone tablets from various dynasties.It was also the Eastern terminus and starting point for silk route .
Of all these wonderful sites we only saw excavation site of "Terracotta Army and Horses" and Musical Fountains located in Northern Square of Giant Wild Goose Pagoda.
After loading the luggage boarding the coach we proceeded for site of Terracotta Army.The route was through the city and a main square with big and attractive statues.Street view of the city was like any sight found here.Photos of the statues were taken on the move,therefore good and closer views are not avablable.
Typical street view Xian City.
Another street view Xian City.
Giant road side statue.Modern version of the First Emperor and his attendants
After traversing through the city we reached parking lot of the site. Had lunch in near by restaurant . As the excavation site was at some distence from the the parking lot and the restaurant ,took a mini bus to reach there.
Restaurant,we had lunch here.
Ticket counters at Terracotta Army Venue.
Modern copy of four horse chariot on display near tecket counter . Terracotta Army.
Giant Statue of Emperor Qin Shi Huang.Emperor was first to unify China in an empire in 221BC.
Mini bus ride to Terracotta Army excavation site.
TERRACOTTA ARMY. The Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang and his Terracotta Army and Horses are located 40 km East of the city centre. The Terracotta Army or the "Terracotta Warriors and Horses" as it is known in Archiological parlance,is a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. It is a form of funerary art buried with the emperor in 210–209 BCE and whose purpose was to protect the emperor in his afterlife.The Terra Cotta Army is a sensational archeological find of all times. It has put Xian on the map for visitors.It was listed by UNESCO in 1987 as one of the world cultural heritages. As on date Three main pits approximately 7 metres (23 ft) deep have been excavated.There is likelyhood of some more pits to be dug. These are located approximately 1.5 kilometres East of the burial mound of King Qin Shi Huang. The soldiers within were laid out as if to protect the tomb from the east, where all the Qin Emperor's conquered states lay.It is estimated that in all these main pits,there are more than 7368 warriors complete with armour foot wear,hair styles etc. , 600 odd chariots , many horses and numerous weapons of different types . There are bows and arrows , various typels of swords , Spears , maces and few other types.Other terracotta non-military figures were found in other pits, including officials, acrobats, strongmen and musicians.
It is estimsted that more than 77,000 craftsman worked for more than 30 odd years to complete the Terracotta Army and its paraphernalia.
Pit one is 230 metres (750 ft) long and 62 metres (203 ft) wide,contains the main army warriors and other artifacts of more than 6,000 figures.Pit one has 11 corridors, most of which are more than 3 metres (9.8 ft) wide and paved with small bricks with a wooden ceiling supported by large beams and posts.It covers an area of 14,260 square meters.This design was also used for the tombs of nobles and would have resembled palace hallways when built. The wooden ceilings were covered with reed mats and layers of clay for waterproofing, and then mounded with more soil raising them about 2 to 3 metres (6 ft 7 in to 9 ft 10 in) above the surrounding ground level when completed.It covers an area of 14,260 square meters.
The terracotta warriors and horses in Pit One are arrayed in battle formation. In the long corridor to the east end of the pit stand three rows of terracotta warriors facing east in battle robes, 70 in each row, totaling 210. Armed with bows and arrows, they constitute the vanguard. There is one row of warriors in the south, north and west of the corridor respectively, facing outward. They are probably the flanks and the rear guard. Holding crossbows and arrows and other long-distance shooting weapons, they took up the job of defending the whole army. The ten rammed partition walls divid Pit One into 11 latitudinal corridors where stand 38 columns of warriors facing east with horse-drawn chariots in the center. These warriors are probably the main body of the formation and represent the principal fighting force. It is assumed that more than 6, 000 terracotta warriors and horses could be unearthed from Pit One, most of which are infantrymen.
At Terracotta Army excavation site.Building of Terracotta Army Museum Pit One in the background.
Information on display near excavation site.
Pit one : which is 230 metres,long and 62 metres wide,covers an area of 14,260 square meters.
Another view Pit One.
Another view Pit One.Cavalery horses are seen.
Tourists viewing terracotta wariors : Pit One.
Coming out of PItOne Building.Carved giant jug displayed in the courtyard of Terracotte Army site.
Pit Two is 6, 000 square meters and is located 20 meters North of the Eastern end of Pit One. The pit is L-shaped and consists of four different mixed military forces in four arrays. It is estimated that there are over 1, 000 terracotta figures, 500 chariot horses and saddled horses. The four arrays are closely connected to constitute a complete battle formation and can be divided up to act independently, capable of attacking and defending and quick response. Three of the four arrays in Pit Two have charioteers. The chariots took up most of the battle formation. This proves that charioteers were still the principal fighting forces in the Qin Dynasty. The wooden chariots have become decayed with age, but the shafts and wheels left clear traces in the clay. The bronze parts of the chariots remain intact.
Archaeological excavations show that Pit One and Pit Two were destroyed after a fire. When it was burnt down and who did it was not recorded in history. There are various opinions about its destruction in the academic world. The floors of both the two pits were covered with a layer of silt, 15 to 20 centimeters thick. The remains of crossbeams and logs burnt to ashes can be clearly seen and most of the relics remain fragmented. This illustrates that the pits were destroyed soon after they were completed.
The pit is now still under excavation and it is estimated that the pit has over 1,300 pieces of warriors and horses, more than 80 chariots, and tens of thousands of weapons.
Information on display about Pit Two2,outside the entrance of Pit Two 2 building.
Pit Number Two2 and Museum of Terracotta Army.
cavalry Warrior.
Fire damage in Pit Two. |
Fire damage in Pit Two .
Pit Three was discovered in June 1976.Located 25 meters North of Pit One and and 120 meters West of Pit Two.It measures 17.6 meters (19.2 yards) wide and 21.4 meters (23.4 yards) long. totaling about 520 square meters.It is the smallest pit of the three pits and the layout accords with the Chinese character '凹'.
Pit Three is considered to be the command post of the underground terrace cotta army.The unearthed artifacts include 68 terracotta warriors, four horses and one chariot all arranged in a layout that is quite unique.The arrangement of the figures is quite different from that in Pit One and Pit Two, in which the warriors are placed in battle formation. But those in Pit Three are arrayed opposite to each other along the walls, in two rows.To its east there is a sloping entrance, opposite that is a stable. On either side of the stable there is a winging room. 64 terracotta figures were unearthed from the two rooms
Pit Three.Four horses and and Warriors. all arranged in quite in a layout unique.
Damaged artifacts Pit Three.
With each pit there is some sort of exhibition hall.There is also a proper Exhbition Hall .The exhibition hall is located in the northeast corner of the museum. Some precious cultural relics unearthed from the pits are displayed in the hall. There are ancient swords, different kinds of bronze weapons and other articles, among which two sets of bronze chariot and horses are the most valuable. The two sets of bronze chariot and horses are the most delicate bronze ware unearthed in China and are the biggest bronze in the world.This Hall is where selected and variety of artifacts found not only in three pits abut also from the musoleum of King Qin She Hung and in the general vicinity of the site are displayed.The Exhibition Hall is treasure trove of artifacts and clearly brings home the rich .
Four Horses Bronze chariot of Qin Shi Huang on display in the Exhibition Hall. It was unearthed around 1980 near the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang.
Another view of the chariot.
This is second four horses chariot . Found near the tomb of Qin Shi Huang . Supposed to be 2200 year old bronze horses.
Terracotta warriors . Position of the arms ,whether erect or sitting down , facial expressions , hair styles, variety in body armour, etc are associated and determine role and type of that particular warrior . For example whether he is an Archer, a cavaleryman,aswordsman, a spear man.
Officials, Musicians, Acrobats all have their unique features.The variety is Truly amazing . Some exhamples are shown here,
Warriors of different professions.
Warriors of different professions.
Warriors of different professions.
Warriors of different professions.
Terracotta warrior in the Exhibition Hall.Here the statues are painted as they must have been wneh newly made .Colour schemes also differed with uniforms and rank of the warrior.
Various variety of Artifacts, terracotta, bronz and other material.
After Pit Three and Exhibition Hall etc we waited on benches provided in well shaded tourist area,for the local guide to join us.There after we took leisurely walk to the coach parking area.On the way,walking through what I call,International Plaza took pictures which you all can see under heading" General Observations."
At the coach We were told that we were proceeding near Giant Wild Goose Pagoda to see Musical Fountain.
Now, after the research, I keep wondering why we were made to miss Wild Goose Pagoda,because,The Giant Wild Goose Pagoda is rated at number two on the Top Ten attractions of Xian, topped only by the Terracotta Army and Musolium Of King Qin Shi Huang.So why miss it ?
Not only that the two squares on the north and south of the pagoda ,aptly named North and South Squares are also an attraction by themselves.
From the sequence of photographs and times the photos were taken, now I can say tha afterlighting from the coach we reached Musical fointains via the North Square and after the Musical Fountain Show left via SouthSquare.
As at other places more than adequate facilities are provided for the tourists. statues and Stone reliefs etc based on Chinese culture are erected all around the premises. Notable amongst statues are the statues of 8 sculptures of great historic figures from the Tang Dynasty.The Eight Great Characters of the Tang Dynasty are Li Bai, Du Fu, Lu Yu, Wang Wei, Han Yu, Huai Su, Seng Yixing, and Sun Simiao
North Square and the Musical Fountain combined have largest-scale acoustic complex in the world.This is the biggest Musical Fountain in whole of Asia , in terms of area as well as number and types of water disaplays.Musical Fountain and waterscape area covers an area of 15,000 sq m (about 17,940 sq yd). Possessing 1,024 burner caps, this fountain is divided into three areas: Hundred-meter Waterfall Pool, Eight-level Plunge Pool and Prelude Music Pool. The main music played during the fountain performances is a symphony - Water Phantom of Tang.
When the music starts, the central area of the square is full of different shapes of fountain sprays .When the music starts, the central area of the square is full of different shapes of fountain sprays showing 22 matrix patterns. Some are particularly designed with advanced science and technology, including the lotuses, hundred-meter running spring, sea of clouds, flying gulls, sixty-meter-high water column and the laser water curtain. In particular, the ‘Fire Fountain’ of 60 m (about 197 ft) in width and 20 m (about 65.6 ft) in height spurting from water and blowing up in the air attracts much more attention. The effect of the fountain performance is perfectly designed by combining the music, lights, water and colors, and thus the fountain at night, when colorful water sprays fly in the air like thousands of sparkling fairies, is more attractive than that in the daytime.
We have seen Musical Fountain at Vrindavan Gardens Mysore , in Bangalore ,in dragon fly cildren park in Singapore and at one time a small little one in our own Ambazari Garden . Of all these laser and water show at Vrindawan Gardens Mysore was the best . However the display and the show at this unique Musical Fountain is simply awesome and amazing. By the time we left the water show half way through , it was still day light .One can imagine this show when the night falls and hundreds and thousands of countless lights of all the colours of the rainbow and many more came up changing the whole area in a fairyland of unbelieavable beauty . If real beauty of the Fountain are to be seen it must be done during night show on a dark night .
Even when the water show was on , I did not forget my photo-ops. More photos means more memories . Right !!
After the Water show left for dinner at Delhi Darbar Restaurant, via South Square . Took photo of giant statue of located right in the center of the Square.
After dinner at Delhi Darbar we were taken to Sun Rise Theatre . The theater is famous for putting up musical dance dramas based on the flokelore of Tang Dynasty . We saw love story of a Tang Dynasty Prince with a girl not of royal family or of equal status .The drama ends in tragidy as their marriage was not possible and the girl ends her life plunging a dagger in her heart .The sets were lavish and very very colourful.Actors beautiful. It was good intertainment .
After Sun Rise Theatre it was to the Hotel for well earned rest after along ang hard day and be ready for next days depalture to Gulin .
After Sun Rise Theatre it was to the Hotel for well earned rest after along ang hard day and be ready for next days depalture to Gulin .
North end of Musical Fountain.
North end of Musical Fountain.Big Wild Goose Pagoda on left.
North end of Musical Fountain.Big Wild Goose Pagoda on left.
North end of Musical Fountain.Big Wild Goose Pagoda in background.
North end of Musical Fountain.
The square north of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda has 8 sculptures of historic figures from the Tang Dynasty.This statue is of Huai Su (737-799) calligrapher.
The square north of the Big Wild Goose Pagoda has 8 sculptures of historic figures from the Tang Dynasty.This statue is of Lu Yu (733-804 AD).
The Sage of Tea.
Intricate and beautiful carved floor design.Northern Square Big Goose Pagoda.
Intricate and beautiful carved floor design.Northern Square Big Goose Pagoda.
Musical Fountain.
Musical Fountain.
Left Musical Fountains by South square.In this square statue ofXuan Zang (602-664 AD) monk and 1st abbot of Da Ci'en Temple. He had brought 657 volumes of Buddhist scripture from India.
Delhi Darbar,Dinner place in Xian.
Dinner in Xian. With Tendulkar Family
After dinner . Witnessed a musicsl dance drama based on Tang dynasty folklore.
It is Sun rise Theatre,
Sun Rise Therter.Terrific stage setting. Beautiful dancers .
Sun Rise Therter.Terrific stage setting. Beautiful dancers .
Our Hotel in xian .Waiting for room allotment and room keys. Last photo for day nine.16 June 15.
As at Balding section of Great Wall of China.At Xian also we noticed tremendeous energy,inguinity,efforts and money has been spent on providing tourist friendly environment at all the tourist sites.The meticulus care and planning in providing, right at the start, seperate,large and specious parking facilities for tourist coaches and cars and extending right through tourism infrastructure made in beautiful landscaping with lawns,trees, bushes,flower beds etc.Wide avenues, squares,Plazas. Very many statues,wall reliefs and sculptures relevent to the tourist theme of the site being visited.Benches are provided for relaxation of tired tourists.The very reason for providing and improving tourism infrastrtcture is ti earn income from tourism industry . This becomes evident by large number of tourists and plentiful mals , hotels , small and big gift shops and eating joins all over and around the tourist site. Following photos provide ample testimomy for this.Infact the large avenues and plazas near Tourist coach and car parking appears to be quite recent as it has not been given any nams as such.Most of the maps do not name it , One place it is referred as International Plaza near Terracotta Army.
Taking a break before leaving Teracotta Army Excavation site . Note the relaxation facilities provided .
Wide specious and well paved avenues.

Beautiful land scaping, lawns bushes , flower beds etc.

Beautiful land scaping, lawns bushes,flower beds etc.
Beautiful land scaping, lawns bushes,flower beds etc.
Giant stone relief sclputures and reliefs on the wall.

Giant stone relief sclputures and reliefs on the wall.
Sculptures Brass Horses.
One of the marble engraving . As per the inscription at the bottom,it is image of Dragon.Terra-cotta Warriors International Plaza.
Above photographs were taken on the way to the parking areas after finishing site seeing here .
General obsrvations,so far as they pertain to tremendeous improvement in tourism infrastructure,hold good for all the tourist spots we saw during the tour.
General obsrvations,so far as they pertain to tremendeous improvement in tourism infrastructure,hold good for all the tourist spots we saw during the tour.