We were doing almost 6 to 7 trips per year since the year 1999/2000. However our usual trip of more then 1500 odd kilometers was way back in 2005 . In 2006 just one trip to Indore & back , the same in 2008 and 2010. In 2007 we did not do a single trip :( not even to Indore ! Since then ( 2005) due on one excuse or the other we never did any major trip . Main excuse was that we have seen most of the places worth seeing, so it is not worthwhile going by car .
Discerning reader will notice the choice of my word as "excuse" and not "reason". That is because I strongly believe that one can never ever see all and every thing worth seeing not in one life time , may be not even in more than one !! But then it has always been " to hear and to obey " what Priti says , and she felt we had seen it all :-).
Any way to cut a long story short during discussions with our friends we had realized that we had not seen many places in Mumbai , many places in Pune , some places in Lonar.
Not seen Matheran , NDA , Lonavala Karla Cave Temples etc etc . So Priti decided that during our next trip to Mumbai Pune we will make it a point to remedy the situation and see them all and any thing else in between :-)
Puja our niece was getting married on 24 Jan 2011 and we had our visa appointment for Europe trip at Pune on 7th Feb. So we decided to ride our car in blue yonder and see what many had seen before us !!
We did the trip from 19 January 2011 to 09 February 2011.As I had been bitten by Panoramio bug , I had decided to take lots and lots of photos which would be as per policy of Panoramio and could be put up in google earth and this I did . To see the photos click here Major details of the trip are in the map , to see it go to this link .
. This is a newly constructed Engineering college out of the town on the Nanded highway .
By about 0830 reached the outskirts of Jawal . plots were laid out and marked for sale and as a first building of the schema a temple was constructed . Looked clean and nice so decided to have breakfast there .

Around 1100 h reached Nanded . During research I had seen "round" boats in the river at Vishnupuri and I wanted to show them to Priti so,had decided to stop & see Vishnupuri . It was good and worth seeing.

Unfortunately the boatwala was sick that day so we could not ride the round boat :-(
Discerning reader will notice the choice of my word as "excuse" and not "reason". That is because I strongly believe that one can never ever see all and every thing worth seeing not in one life time , may be not even in more than one !! But then it has always been " to hear and to obey " what Priti says , and she felt we had seen it all :-).
Any way to cut a long story short during discussions with our friends we had realized that we had not seen many places in Mumbai , many places in Pune , some places in Lonar.
Not seen Matheran , NDA , Lonavala Karla Cave Temples etc etc . So Priti decided that during our next trip to Mumbai Pune we will make it a point to remedy the situation and see them all and any thing else in between :-)
Puja our niece was getting married on 24 Jan 2011 and we had our visa appointment for Europe trip at Pune on 7th Feb. So we decided to ride our car in blue yonder and see what many had seen before us !!
We did the trip from 19 January 2011 to 09 February 2011.As I had been bitten by Panoramio bug , I had decided to take lots and lots of photos which would be as per policy of Panoramio and could be put up in google earth and this I did . To see the photos click here Major details of the trip are in the map , to see it go to this link .
For our trips we were always ready by 0500 to 0530 hours but started only after there was sufficient light to see the road and minor roads branching-off. This time thought that Nagpur has expanded and the road well beyond Butibori will be well lit so we started when it was still dark . Decision I was to rue as we did not see the Wardha turning and went almost 7-8 kilometers on Hyderabad road before turning back and take the correct road :-) Crossed Yavatmal at 0750 . By now there was sufficient light so took first photo for Panoramio.
By about 0830 reached the outskirts of Jawal . plots were laid out and marked for sale and as a first building of the schema a temple was constructed . Looked clean and nice so decided to have breakfast there .
Around 1100 h reached Nanded . During research I had seen "round" boats in the river at Vishnupuri and I wanted to show them to Priti so,had decided to stop & see Vishnupuri . It was good and worth seeing.
Unfortunately the boatwala was sick that day so we could not ride the round boat :-(