27 November 2010

Kasab Trial.Letter to Editor sent on 27 Nov10.

Indian Judicial System.
Sir , 
Two years back we had the worst terrorist attack in our countries young history. With a ready precedent available we followed the example of U S A and  we started calling it 26/11 on the lines of 9/11. 
We were fortunate that , due to supreme sacrifice and gallantry of PSI Tukaram Omble we were successful in capturing one of the terrorist.His name was Ajmal Kasab .We were also fortunate that we had a video recording  clearly showing him in the dasterdaly act of emptying his machine gun on innocent civilians .Government of India and the powers that be took a decision to show and prove to the world how conscience of human rights were were and how impartial and fair was our judicial system.Kasab was provided the best of medical care , best of security , was fed whatever food he wanted all and every comfort was given to him . He was provided legal counsel at govt expense and fair trial conducted . Based on the evidence the Judge had no hesitation in passing the judgement of guilty and awarding death sentence . So far so good . We had shown the world what we had intended . Our stand was appreciated . 
However what has been happening after completion of the trial and the way his appeal is progressing has sadly made Government of India and Indian Judiciary a laughing stock in the world.And the loudest laughter is heard in Pakistan .
PM Velankar,Nagpur.

12 November 2010

Letter to Editor for City-Mail.Sent 12 Nov 2010.

Sir ,

The Hitavada is doing yeoman's service by highlighting the apathy of the civic officials by publishing public interest reports about bad roads , poor garbage collection, poorly maintained public parks , indiscriminate cutting of trees etc . I , and I am sure the people of Nagpur appreciate the effort and are thankful to the Hitavada . With this mail I am attaching three photos .Half surfaced one is of  Ring Road joining Hingna "T" Point . The Other two are of tri-junction of  Jaitala Road and Hingna road near Shitala mata Mandir .  You may use these photos to highlight another public interest report or just publish the following ,as a letter in The City -Mail .

Letter to Editor :-
Sir ,
During the tenure of Dr Chandrashekher very large number of roads were widened . The newly constructed roads were well painted with lane markings, road edges , well painted dividers and serviceable street lights .We the Nagpurians were then really proud of our city and proudly showed off to the outside visitors. Sadly , Officers who have later occupied Dr. Chandrashekher's post were not only unable to improve the things but even could not maintain what  Dr Chandrashekher had achieved and the present condition of roads is well known to all.
After lot of hue and cry, quite some time back, the road resurfacing work of Ring Road joining Hingna T Point was done .However,the powers that be resurfaced only half the width of the once really nice and WIDE road .This leaves very uneven and split road surface. There is as much as 3 - 4 inches of difference between the level of road  surface.This is an invitation for accidents by two wheelers .Why only half the width was resurfaced it was so is not known . If it was to save  money , authorities should realise that at some point in time they will have to resurface the whole width !  I request concerned authorities that whenever resurfacing work is undertaken it should be for the whole width of the road and not only part of the road .

PM Velankar, Nagpur.

09 November 2010

Letter to Editor - Sent 09 Nov 2010.

Why the silence on the BABUS
Adarsh Society Scam is hot news now a days .Senior Defence Officers , Politicians,Maharashtra Chief minister being one of them and Senior Bureaucrats,Glorified Babus so far as I am concerned,were involved in the scam .MOD wasted no time in issuing a statements that exemplary punishment would be swiftly dished out to all the Service Officers involved . I have no doubt that MOD , manned by the Babus , so far as Defence personnel are concerned will not waste time and will dish out & carry out the punishment . What has surprised me is the fact that even when involvement of Senior Bureaucrats has also been exposed why The Honourable Home Minister , The Cabinet Secretary , The Home Ministry are maintaining deafening silence on what action they are going to take against the involved Bureaucrats. Or does this silence means that as usual ,  the corrupt and guilty Bureaucrats are going to go scot free !!!! Since day one all the affected Service Officers have been  named . Some Babu who did not want to be identified has dug out and obligingly provided more names to the PTI . All the news media , Print and Electronic , have prominently provided and named  the involved Defence Officers. However what is of great interest is that the same news media has not bothered to find out and name the any of the politicians other then the CM . The same news media which takes pride in its freedom and independence and investigative journalism has not named a single , not even one Bureaucrat involved in the scam . I believe the we the Aam Adamis are entitled to know the names of ALL involved , The Politicians , The Babus and Defence Officers if any who are  not yet exposed.Will the watch dog for us , the news media , oblige and name the Bureaucrats ? And will The Honourable Home Minister , The Cabinet Secretary , The Home Ministry announce what  they intend to do against the guilty Bureaucrats and when ?

PM Velankar, Nagpur .